
121 teaching

Akashic record clearing

Your akashic records are also called your “Book of Life”, held in the great cosmos holding every thought, word, deed, action, soul contract, emotion, connection, past life, present incarnations, circumstances and potential future existences. Based on a profound understanding of the records, Akashic record clearing can give someone the skills to embrace better choices, gently and lovingly dispelling the negative emotions and patterns in their life and beautiful, subtle positive changes will occur to help you live your life’s true authentic path.

As with any tool used for spiritual growth, learning the skills to clear Akashic records takes patience, consistent practice and research. I am here to guide you on your path to understanding, giving you the tools to make use of this powerfully healing skill.

Please get in touch to find out how I can help teach you Akashic record clearing, and start making a difference today.

Group Teaching

Whatever you’re looking for, whether it’s a solution to chronic pain or someone to help make an upcoming event really special, I’d love to get to know you. If you’d like to know more about any of the services I offer, please send me a message and I’ll get in touch.
As a working mother of two, I’m passionate about supporting, mentoring and nurturing other professional therapists. If you’d like to grow your network, I’d love to introduce you to some of the networks I’m part of to help you evolve your business. Whether you are a nutritionist, homeopath, coach, aesthetician, chiropractor, athlete, energy healer or massage therapist, I can help, so please do get in touch to build a relationship.




Healing clinic based in
Bourne End, Bucks, UK
Postcombe, Oxfordshire, UK